​ ​Super food​ ​ ​ ​Functional raw material​ ​

Mandarin powder

​ ​Component name​ ​​ ​β-cryptoxanthin, hesperidin, GABA, dietary fiber​ ​

  • Mandarin powder

Product information

Notation name Mandarin orange powder, Mandarin orange powder
Specification component β-cryptoxanthin
shape Powder

Material information

Place of origin Japan (Ehime)

Mandarin powder (β-cryptoxanthin)

What is Mikan Powder?

It is powdered as it is ingredients · flavor of Wenzhou mandarin oranges produced in Nishi Uwa Ehime Prefecture, and contains abundant β-cryptoxanthin, hesperidin, GABA, dietary fiber and so on.


β-cryptoxanthin is a component contained in citrus peels such as Wenzhou oranges and papaya in large amounts, which is also called hydroxy-β-carotene and is a source of vitamin A in vivo.


Hesperidin is a kind of vitamin P and is a type of polyphenol contained more in citrus peels before maturity. It is said that it is good for coldness.

Dietary fiber

It is said that it is good for constipation etc. by arranging the stomach condition and activating the movement of the intestines.